I know you’re supposed to write these bios from the third person, but I like to do things differently.

I have written three best-selling books, launched and sold multiple businesses, and have been a worship pastor for what seems like forever. I’m an Ironman triathlete, and surf like there’s no tomorrow.

None of that matters. The good stuff is that I am head-over-heels in love with my wife, I enjoy spending as much quality time with my four kids as possible, and I love Jesus with all my heart.

My passion is helping Christian men find their heart as I did. I see too many men who are like the walking dead. They are a shell of the man that they want to be. Most of these guys are very successful in one area of life, but when out of balance there is no peace, and every day is a drain on their soul.

“There is no reason to live in a world that you feel is not your own, it’s time to release your inner greatness.”

It’s my mission to represent a life fully switched on and to lead others to live in peace, power, and freedom.


(949) 395-4337



Being A Godmade Man

Being A Godmade Father

Having A Godmade Marriage

Godmade Leadership

Discovering The Greatness That God Is Calling You To

How To Keep Going Even When Things Look Impossible

The Happiness Paradigm

FUNdamental: The Transforming Power of Having Fun

How To Become A Do-er

The Psychology of Losing Weight Permanently