I remember dying a little inside every day. Passions faded, and the light inside grew dim. How could this be? I was a worship pastor and I had a beautiful family. I was living in Hawaii and I worked for myself. How did I get here? Why can’t I feel the way I used to.
These were all the questions that swirled in my mind through the years of slowly fading from my former joy-filled happy go lucky self. I was raised with all the proper training and mindset. I knew how I was supposed to be but who did I want to be?
If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably been stuck in places before. I have overcome financial struggles, marriage issues, parenting failures and weight challenges. To say overcome requires a bit more explanation. These are areas of life that we will always have challenges. Some will be easier than others, but the vast majority of our lives will be navigating these kinds of issues. As children grow and lives change so too will the challenges, but I have developed some life tools that will help get to the end feeling confident in a life well lived.
If you are struggling or stuck in any of these areas, I would love to help guide you to your own tools. I’ll share with you what has worked for me and guide you to things that I think will work for you. Having been a pastor for most of my adult life I have had lots of opportunities to work with people in various walks of life. There is one constant that I’ve noticed, it’s hard to see our own way out when stuck somewhere.